Help Your Office Cleaning Company Do Their Best Over the Summer Months

As seasons change, so do your office cleaning needs. Summer often leaves even the best of us watching the clock counting the minutes until the workday is over and barbecues and our warm weather evening plans begin. And no matter how much we love our work, thoughts of vacations, boating and days on the lake can cause our teams to make hasty getaways at the end of the day. Messy desks, food left languishing in the office fridge and other summer forgetfulness can make it harder for your office cleaning company to deliver the highest level of service on your summer office cleaning. So what can you do to prepare for summer and even take advantage of some of the downtime to keep your facility running smoothly?

#1: Remind Your Employees To Keep Desks And Work Areas Clear And Organized
Your janitor or janitorial team is typically instructed to clean the clear areas of your desk without disturbing anything. Messy papers and a host of things left haphazardly behind make it more difficult to insure your desk is clean. This is especially important if you leave for vacation so others do not have to work around your mess. As a facility manager or office manager, it can be helpful to remind employees that tidying up their work areas before the end of the day or a planned vacation is thoughtful to those around you and allows your cleaning company to do the job you require of them.

#2: Don’t Let The Office Fried Become A Petri Dish
With more people taking time off and even work events, the office fridge can quickly become overwhelmed with old lunches or forgotten leftovers. This can quickly become a stinky problem and even a health hazard. Many office managers report frustration getting employees to claim their half eaten sandwiches or Styrofoam packed lunch leftovers. We find it is best to periodically designate a clean out day and post a notice giving employees time to retrieve anything they don’t want thrown away. It is helpful to do a clean out just before your commercial cleaning company comes so unrefrigerated food doesn’t sit out for long stinking up your offices or break room.

Tip #3 Summer Can Be Tough On Allergy Sufferers
Summer can be particularly tough on those people ho suffer from seasonal allergies. Quality office cleaning is an integral part of insuring good indoor air quality for everyone and can significantly reduce allergens and irritants in your offices. What should you be asking of your office cleaning company to help improve air quality? Daily vacuuming really helps remove dust and allergens from the air but summer can also be a great time for carpet deep cleaning. The best office cleaning companies will utilize low moisture carpet cleaning like the Whitaker method to use less product, water and speed drying. Likewise, summer is a good time to clean HVAC ducts and filters ensuring the air in your building is clean and fresh.
TIP #4: Use Summer Downtime to Do Deep Cleaning, Needed Maintenance or Even Preventive Maintenance
Maybe you never tackled spring cleaning or many items on your to do list just didn’t get done. With many employees taking vacation and warmer weather less mess making than snow and rain, summer can offer a great time to do deep cleaning, repairs and maintenance and even preventive maintenance. Did you know that many commercial cleaning companies also offer a host of other maintenance and handyman services including things like painting, window washing, plumbing, electrical, carpentry and wall repairs, HVAC preventive maintenance and more? Now might be just the right time to address little issues in your facility before they become big ones. If you think an area or areas of your facility might need a deep clean or you have repairs or maintenance, contact your cleaning and maintenance company to set up a plan to attend to what you need and get your facility in great condition.
Summer Might Be the Right Time to Reconsider Your Commercial Office Cleaning Company
If your office cleaning company isn’t ding the job you want or the job they promised, it might be time to rethink your office cleaning. If it’s workable issues, you might just need to sit down and tell them what you need giving them the chance to reboot your services and get the job done right. If the issues have added up and you have lost confidence in your office cleaning company, it might be best to find a commercial cleaning company up to the task of delivering responsive, consistent, quality service to your facilities.

Summer can offer a favorable time to make these kind of changes. With dwindling office maintenance budgets, you deserve an office cleaning company that will deliver real value for your cleaning dollar. Thoughtful summer maintenance, planning and even bringing on a new office cleaning company is the answer to insuring your facility stays clean and running smoothly during summer and throughout the year.


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