10 Questions To Find the Best Commercial Cleaning Services

Why Is It So Hard to Find the Best Commercial Cleaning Services Company?
Finding the best commercial cleaning services can be a real challenge among the cluttered field of choices facing Facilities Managers. Outsourcing your facility services can be a major time and money saver, or an exercise in futility depending on the commercial cleaning company you chose. You want a commercial cleaning service that will perform to a level that you will be happy about, yet you need a cleaning company that will work within your allocated facilities services budget. You want a company that is proactive rather than reactive. You want a company with great people, but you also need a clear point of contact for communicating to expedite any issues.

Separating Fact From Fiction As You Consider a Commercial Cleaning Service
Because of the comparatively low cost of entry into the commercial cleaning business, the industry is often flooded with start ups and operators who have changed names and tried to reinvent their services time and time again. With fly by night operations and the sheer lack of knowledge new businesses can struggle with, getting a real sense of a prospective Commercial cleaning services can be challenging. It’s a sad reality that you cannot count on the fact that what is said in a bid to win your business is actually true. Like anything else, the maxim buyer beware prevails. You as a Facility Manager must separate fact from fiction so that you can get the information you need to make the best decisions and hire the appropriate commercial cleaning service.

Cutting Thru the Hype to Find the Most Qualified Commercial Cleaning Service
So, how can you cut through all the hype and get to the heart of what a commercial cleaning company is really going to do for you? Here are ten simple questions to ask yourself next time you are in the market to finding the best commercial cleaning services:
1.     Do the prospective commercial cleaning services have active references from both current customers and past customers that are similar in scope to your facility?
2.     Did the cleaning company provide a detailed work specification of what services they are delivering as part of your service agreement?
3.     Is the potential commercial cleaning company willing to show you how they came up with their price?
4.     Does the commercial cleaning company you are considering do across the board drug testing and background checks as part of their hiring procedure?
5.     Can you meet the person who will be operationally responsible for the service in your facility?
6.     Does the prospective cleaning services company have at least a $5 million dollar umbrella insurance policy that would cover any excessive claims?
7.     Are they willing to show you documented training procedures?
8.     Does a person answer the phone when you call their office or are you directed to an answering service or voice mail?
9.     Who is your one point of contact to service your facility and how many other accounts like yours do they service?  Don't be afraid to call and interview this person?
10.   How do they handle safety training and is it documented? 

All of these questions are designed to help you as a Facilities Manager distinguish fact from fiction as you search for the best commercial cleaning services company to keep your facilities shining. Don’t be afraid to dig deep. Professional,reputable cleaning services companies are proud ofthe things that set them apart from slipshod operations and “here today, gone tomorrow” cleaning services. Exceptional commercial cleaning services will have the documentation to support their claims of great training, quality employees and proactive customer service. These service pros not only use tools like transparent pricing and detailed training to acquire new business, they use these tools because they work. The right commercial cleaning service contractor knows that you have a lot of choices and will work hard to prove to you that they are worthy of your business.


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