Find School Cleaning Companies Capable of Making the Grade

Does your school cleaning company deserve a place on the honor roll or do they need remedial classes? If you have spent some time with a school cleaning service that isn’t delivering on their promises to you, you know just how frustrating it can be. Still, most schools are under constant pressure to reduce costs and it isn’t unusual for schools to be working with less than optimal budgets. How do you keep a school facility looking its best even with razor-thin budgets? And how do you find a school cleaning service really capable of making the grade? The idea of tight budgets AND great service might seem incompatible but technology and innovation in the janitorial industry have made it possible to do more with less, employ smart clean technology and stay in line with budgets. So what are the best school cleaning services doing differently? What really separates the masters from the disasters? And how can you find the best, most pr...