Stop Putting Out Fires, Get Ahead With Preventive Building Maintenance

A s a Facility Manager, you likely have a mile long ‘to do’ li s t . Along with your regular day to day dutie s , problem s ari s e and it doe s n’t take long before a s mall i s s ue can turn into a big problem with an even bigger price tag. If your goal i s to minimize ha s s le s and s ave money, you need to plan ahead with preventative building maint enance. S ure, the thought of tackling preventive maint enance with s o many ball s in the air can s eem futile, but one of the s ure s t way s to get a handle on your work load i s to plan ahead. Plan ahead with preventative maint enance and it will pay dividend s in the long run. Your building maint enance plan become s intentional and s t reamlined when you plan ahead and the right building s ervice s company can help you come up with a plan that i s ...