
Showing posts from 2017

Starting the New School Year Right With A+ School Cleaning Services

The Upcoming School Year Looms, Are YOU Ready? As we head into the dog days of summer, it’s hard to ignore that the upcoming school year is right around the corner. Maybe you already have your school cleaning plan in place or maybe you are still struggling to figure out a workable plan for the approaching school year. Having a clean and ready to learn campus is important to every school and sets the right tone for a productive, positive learning environment. If your  school cleaning services  is getting consistently low marks, it is as good a time as any to reevaluate what you need to effectively maintain your school. If you are grappling with an ineffective school cleaning service, know this, there is still time to switch gears and find school cleaning services that really make the grade. What Makes For A+  School Cleaning Services? If your school cleaning company isn’t at the top of their class, you really owe it to yourself and your staff and students to ...

Stop Putting Out Fires, Get Ahead With Preventive Building Maintenance

A s  a Facility Manager, you likely have a  mile long ‘to do’ li s t . Along with your regular day to day dutie s , problem s  ari s e and it doe s n’t take long before a  s mall i s s ue can turn into a big problem with an even bigger price tag. If your goal i s  to minimize ha s s le s  and  s ave money, you need to plan ahead with preventative building  maint enance.  S ure, the thought of tackling preventive  maint enance with  s o many ball s  in the air can  s eem futile, but one of the  s ure s t  way s  to get a handle on your  work  load  i s  to plan ahead. Plan ahead with  preventative  maint enance  and it will pay dividend s  in the long run. Your building  maint enance plan become s  intentional and  s t reamlined when you plan ahead and  the right building  s ervice s  company can help you come up with a plan that i s ...