
Showing posts from November, 2015

10 Quick & Easy Tips To Get More From Commercial Janitorial Services

Are you a Facility Manager looking for commercial janitorial services? Or perhaps you already have a janitorial service  but you really need more from them than you are currently getting. Or maybe, you are on the cusp of renewing your janitorial contract and you want to get the most from your commercial cleaning services. Whatever the case,  arming yourself with the most and best information regarding your cleaning and facility maintenance will give you the best chance of finding consistent, responsive, affordable janitorial services.       1.   Janitorial Pricing & Your Janitorial Quote   We are not just talking about the right price, we are talking about clarity and transparency in your quote and janitorial pricing. When your current janitorial company or a prospective  commercial janitorial services  doesn’t offer clear pricing and a detailed quote, they are robbing you of the opportunity to compare competing janitorial q...

Are Your Janitorial Services Green, Sustainable, Both or Neither?

Evolving into a sustainable business isn’t about implementing a single program. And yet,  green cleaning  offers an excellent place to begin. Green cleaning and partnering with a reputable and  effective commercial cleaning company  can offer a number of solid benefits from altruistic ones to those involving the bottom line.   Is Your Cleaning Company Greenwashing?   Green cleaning  and sustainable facility maintenance have never been more topical than they are now. In fact, green products and processes, eco-friendly practices and sustainability are salient across industries. The good news is everyone is thinking about how to do better on these fronts. The bad new is there is a great deal of confusion about what all these buzzwords really mean and that can often translate to greenwashing or a false sense of healthfulness and environmental responsibility. What’s greenwashing? Greenwashing, like whitewashing, is when claims of eco friendliness o...