
Showing posts from October, 2015

The Horrors of the Office Fridge and Other Scary Office Cleaning Tales

It    Came    From    Within!!!! The door creaks open slowly and you peer in through the sliver of light. It’s disgusting, shocking and the smell, it is in de scribable.   Once you see, you cannot unsee the horror that lurks from behind the  office  refrigerator door. There is a half eaten tray of grocery store sushi that appears to be crawling across the top shelf. There is a container of  mi lk that is now either very good cheese or a very bad sign. There is a teetering, tower of half eaten takeout rice containers threatening to topple. There is a plastic bag labeled ‘Sara’s sandwich’ but it is filled with liquid and the contents of the bag are pulsing. There is a container labeled 'ranch dressing', but it is green. It is green, people! In fact the  colours  are really quite amazing if you can block out the smell. There are black carrots,  grey   ham , gelatinous, green gooey  takeout , and ...

Has Your Office Cleaning Company Thrown In the Towel?

Office cleaning  may seem like a straightforwar d  service that can be  d elivere d  quite efficiently with no major issues, you know,  clean restrooms , an inviting lobby, trashes emptie d . An d  yet, talk to any Facility Manager an d  you will fin d  that getting effective  office cleaning  can be much more challenging than at first it might appear. Sure, there are a ton of choices when it comes to fin d ing a professional janitorial service but really, look at the pool of office cleaning companies an d  you are going to fin d  only a han d ful of commercial cleaning services that will  d eliver effective, responsive  professional office cleaning services  at prices that work with your office cleaning bu d get.   Because you have a crow d e d  office cleaning marketplace on one han d , but a real lack of meaningful choices when it comes to value, it’s no won d er that so many Facility Managers ...