Restroom Cleaning Problems Got You Wiped? Don't Let Restroom Cleaning Problems "Wipe" You Out Have your office restrooms got you wiped? Are your office restrooms becoming a funky place? Are you getting a steady stream of complaints about the state of your restrooms? It may seem like common sense, but clean restrooms are probably one the most noticeable benefits of properly executed commercial cleaning. If your cleaning person or team is not properly addressing the needs of your restrooms, it’s going to impact your business. No matter if you manage a hospital, medical building, school, or even a retail establishment, the state of your restrooms says a lot to your customers, tenants and employees about your business and your commitment to quality standards. Ask yourself, “If I went into my restrooms as a prospective customer, how would I feel about this business?” If the answer is not so great, it might be time to start looking for a new restroom cleaning service to wipe out your restroom...